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class CleanData(definitions=None, debug=True) Module for data cleaning. Designed to work with a data dictionary (metadata). See data dictionary template and data dictionary guide for more details.


definitions: file (.py) containing global variables

Global variables for raw data files

  • PREFIX_PATH: define the root directory
  • RAW_PATH: set the folder name for all raw data files
  • TRAIN_PATH: set the folder name to store all the cleaned data files. If not specified, default is “trainData
  • READ_NA: option for loading csvs. If False, csv entries that can be found in nanList (see detailed nanList under Attributes) will be converted to NaN. if True, above entries will be preserved as they are. Default is False.
  • RAWXLSX: filename containing the raw data
  • RAWXLSX_SHEETNAME: if RAWXLSX is an excel file, assign the sheetname from which to load the data. If not specified, will read the first sheet.
  • RAWDICTXLSX: filename containing the data dictionary
  • RAWDICTXLSX_SHEETNAME: if RAWDICTXLSX is an excel file, assign the sheetname from which to load the dictionary. If not specified, will read the first sheet.

Settings for Log Files

  • LOGGING: A boolean. Whether to output logfile or not. If not specified, default is True.
  • LOG_FILENAME: A string. Filename of log file. If not defined, default is “logfile.txt”.

Settings for Longitudinal data

  • LONG_VAR_MARKER: (in preparation for longitudinal data) the variable name that indicates which longitudinal group that row belongs to. If not specified, default is None.

Settings for Data Dictionary

  • DICT_VAR_VARNAME: column in data dictionary containing variable names in input data. If not specified, set as “NAME”.
  • DICT_VAR_VARCATEGORY: column in data dictionary setting the category of the variable name. If not specified, set as “CATEGORY
  • DICT_VAR_TYPE: column in data dictionary setting the type of variable (string, numeric, date). If not specified, set as “TYPE
  • DICT_VAR_CODINGS: column in data dictionary setting the codings of variable (dateformat, categories). If not specified, set as “CODINGS

Settings for Data Cleaning

  • VAR_NAME_STRIPEMPTYSPACES: boolean option. If True, empty spaces will be stripped from variable names in input data, and from variables names listed in data dictionary. If not specified, default is False.
  • OUTPUT_TYPE_DATA: the output file type for the clean data files. Available options: ‘csv’, ‘xlsx’. If not specified, default is ‘csv
  • OUTPUT_TYPE_DICT: the output file type fot the amended dictionary. Available options: ‘csv’, ‘xlsx’. If not specified, default is ‘xlsx

Settings for Drop Duplicates

  • SUFFIX_DROPPED_DUPLICATED_ROWS: The filename suffix to use for intermediate outputs of cleaned data. If not specified, default is DD.
  • OUTPUT_DROPPED_DUPLICATED_ROWS_FILENAME: output file name to store the duplicated rows which have been dropped. Default is rowsRemoved.xlsx

Settings for Constraints

  • SUFFIX_CONSTRAINTS: The filename suffix to use for intermediate outputs of cleaned data. If not specified, default is CON.

Settings for Standardise Text

  • SUFFIX_STANDARDISE_TEXT: The filename suffix to use for intermediate outputs of cleaned data. If not specified, default is ST.
  • OPTIONS_STANDARDISE_TEXT_CASE_TYPE: default case type to convert strings into: “uppercase”, “lowercase”, “capitalise”. If not specified, default is uppercase.
  • OPTIONS_STANDARDISE_TEXT_EXCLUDE_LIST: variables to exclude from the conversion. For example: ["Gender", "Work"]
  • OPTIONS_STANDARDISE_TEXT_CASE_TYPE_DICT: dictionary to customise case_type for specific variables, overwriting default. For example: {"Race1": "capitalise"}.

Settings for Date Standardisation

  • SUFFIX_STANDARDISE_DATE: The filename suffix to use for intermediate outputs of cleaned data. If not specified, default is DATE.
  • OPTIONS_STANDARDISE_DATE_FORMAT: the standard date format to use for all dates (if not specified, default is yyyy-mm-dd). Follows format used in ms-excel, see ref. Example: ddd, dd mmmm yy.
  • OPTIONS_FAILEDDATE_CONVERSIONS_FILENAME: filename for storing list of failed date conversions (only csv). Default is failed_date_conversions.csv

Settings for ASCII Conversion

  • SUFFIX_CONVERT_ASCII: The filename suffix to use for intermediate outputs of cleaned data. If not specified, default is ASCII.
  • OPTIONS_CONVERT_ASCII_EXCLUSION_LIST: List of characters to exclude from conversion. Eg. ['€','$','Ò']

debug: boolean, default None.

 If True, print intermediate outputs for debugging purposes



Please refer to the below pages for detailed examples:

Example Description
cleanData 1 Demonstrates use of, dropping duplicate rows, and standardising text variables (capital/small letters)
CleanData 2 Demonstrates use of, standardising date formats, conversion of characters from international accents to ASCII-compatible symbols
CleanData 3 Demonstrates use of customised constraints


Attribute Description
debug (boolean) whether to debug or not
definitions (obj) definitions in corresponding input
nanList (list) list of values interpreted as NaN. Values: ["","#N/A","#N/A N/A", "#NA", "-1.#IND", "-1.#QNAN", "-NaN", "-nan", "1.#IND", "1.#QNAN", "<NA>", "N/A", "NA", "NULL", "NaN", "None", "n/a", "nan", "null "].
dict_df (dataframe) data dictionary
raw_df (dataframe) raw data
clean_df (dataframe) cleaned data
clean_dict_df (dataframe) cleaned data dictionary
report_df (dataframe) report
cat_var_dict (dict) with categories as keys and the respective variables as values, {cat: [list of variables]}
type_var_dict (dict) with the variable type as keys and the respective variables as values
longitudinal_marker_list (list) list of longitudinal markers
longitudinal_variableMarker (str) column header which contains the list of categories stipulating a list of longitudinal markers
dict_var_codings (str) column name in data dict. setting the codings of the variable e.g. "CODINGS"
dict_var_type (str) column name in data dict. setting the type of variable e.g. "TYPE"
dict_var_varcategory (str) column name in data dict. setting the category of the variable name e.g. "CATEGORY"
dict_var_varname (str) column name in data dict containing variable names in input data e.g. "NAME"
raw_data_dict_filename (str) full path of original data dictionary
raw_data_dict_sheetname (str) sheet name of original data dictionary
raw_data_filename (str) full path of raw data
raw_data_sheetname (str) sheet name of raw data
raw_data_path (str) full path of folder storing raw data
train_data_path (str) full path of folder storing training data
folder_rawData (str) folder storing raw data, e.g. "rawData"
folder_trainData (str) folder storing training data (outputs of cleaning modules), e.g. "trainData"
data_latest_filename (str) latest filename for cleaned data
dict_latest_filename (str) latest filename for cleaned data dictionary
dropped_duplicated_rows_filename (str) filename for storing dropped duplicate rows
initial_report_filename (str) filename for storing report
log_filename (str) filename for storing logs
log_filepath (str) full path of log_filename
logger (obj) logger to pass on for logging
logging (boolean) whether to do logging or not
options_convert_ascii_exclusion_list (list) list of symbols to exclude from ASCII conversion
options_faileddate_conversions_filename (str) filename for storing list of failed date conversions
options_standardise_date_format (str) date standardisation format e.g. "yyyy-mm-dd"
options_standardise_text_case_type (str) option for standardising case format, e.g. "uppercase"
options_standardise_text_case_type_dict (dict) dictionary to customise case_type for specific variables.
options_standardise_text_exclude_list (list) variables to exclude from the conversion
output_type_data (str) the output file type for the clean data files
output_type_dict (str) the output file type fot the amended dictionary
prefix_path (str) prefix path as stipulated in dictionary
suffix_constraints (str) suffix to append to data_latest_filename after applying constraints
suffix_convert_ascii (str) suffix to append to data_latest_filename after converting ASCII symbols
suffix_dropped_duplicated_rows (str) suffix to append to data_latest_filename after dropping duplicate rows
suffix_standardise_date (str) suffix to append to data_latest_filename after standardising dates
suffix_standardise_text (str) suffix to append to data_latest_filename after standardising text case
var_diff_list (list) list of mismatched variable names between input data and data dictionary
var_list (list) list of all variables (column headers) found in input data
var_name_stripemptyspaces (boolean) if True, empty spaces will be stripped from variable names in input data, and from variables names listed in data dictionary.


Method Description
convert_2_dtypes(data) Convert data (df) into best possible dtypes.
gen_data_report(data, dict) Generates a report of data
drop_duplicate_rows() Use to drop duplicate rows from the input dataframe.
standardise_text_case_conversion(data, case_type) Takes dataframe (cols) and one case type parameter as input and returns the text data converted as per the case type specified.
standardise_text() Standardises text case in input data.
converting_ascii([ascii_exclusion_list, ]) Converts all characters in input data to ASCII-compatible format.
standardise_date([def_date_format, faileddate_conversions_filename]) Standardises the date/time in input data.

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