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class Transformer(metaData=None, definitions=None, default_transformer_type_4_string='One-Hot', default_datetime_format=f'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', var_list=None, removeNull=False, debug=False) Module for transformation of data into numerical equivalents for further processing.


metaData: dict, optional, default None. To specify transformation instructions for specific variables.

definitions: file (.py), optional, default None. containing global variables

default_transformer_type_4_string: str, optional, default One-Hot. Specify the default transformer_type for dtype='string'. Options include One-Hot, LabelEncoding, Cat1.

default_datetime_format: str, optional, default %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S. Specify the default datetime format to use.

var_list: list, optional, default None. List of variables to transform, to limit the number of transformed variables to a subset of the given inputs. If None, all variables will be transformed.

removeNull: boolean, default False. Whether to remove all rolls with null inputs before transformation.

debug: boolean, default False. Whether to print debug-related outputs to console.


Description of metaData

The metaData variable specifies the type of transformation to perform on the input data. It takes the following form:

metaData = {
    '<variable_name_1>': {
        'null': '33',
        'transformer_type': 'LabelEncoding'
        'datetime_format': None,
    '<variable_name_2>': {
        'null': 'mean'
    'variable_name_datetime': {
        'null': 'mean',
        'datetime_format': f"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
  • null: use this field to specify the fill value for <na> entries. non-numerical options include 'mean', 'mode', 'median', 'ignore' (left as it is). Numerical values will be used directly. Default for 'boolean' is -1. Default for 'float' and 'int' is 'mean'. (rounded to int for 'int')
    • Effects on other packages: With the 'ignore' option, the marginal distribution will be computed after removing NaN values. The pairwise correlation will be computed after removing NaN values present in the two variables.
  • transformer_type: use this field to specify transformer type to use, especially for dtype inputs with multiple options.
    • For 'string' inputs, options include 'One-Hot', 'LabelEncoding', 'Cat1', 'Cat1Fuzzy'
      • One-Hot: This option takes in a single column with N unique categories and returns N vectors, each with a length equal to the length of the original vector. The returned vectors have 1s in the rows where the corresponding category is found in the original vector and 0s on the rest.
      • LabelEncoding: This option takes in a column of categories and returns a list of the same length with each category replaced by a unique integer representation. The integer value assigned to each category is determined by the order that the categories appear in the input list.
      • Cat1: This option computes a representative float for each of the categories found in the fit data. The representatives are computed by sorting the categorical values by their relative frequency, then dividing the [0, 1] interval into sub-intervals of lengths corresponding to the relative frequencies and assigning the midpoint of each sub-interval to the corresponding category. When the transformation is reverted, each value is assigned the category that corresponds to the interval it falls in.
      • Cat1Fuzzy: This option is the same as Cat1, except for the additional Gaussian noise around the class representative of each interval.
  • datetime_format: use this field to specify the datetime format, for ‘datetime’ inputs


Please refer to the below pages for detailed examples:

Example Description
Transformer Demonstrates use of Transformer to transform data into its numerical equivalents.


Attribute Description
debug (boolean) whether to debug or not
definitions (obj) definitions in corresponding input
metaData (dict) dictionary specifying transformation instructions for specific variables.
removeNull (boolean) Whether to remove all rolls with null inputs before transformation.
var_list (list) List of variables to transform.
data_curated_df (dataframe) the dataframe that has undergone curation based on var_list and removeNull options, prior to transformation.
default_transformer_type_4_string (str) the default transformer_type for dtype='string'
default_datetime_format (str) the default datetime format to use.
transformer_meta_dict (dict) dictionary that records all the transformation details effected on the variables.


Method Description
transform(data_df) Perform a numerical transformation on input data_df. Transformation details are stored in Transformer.transformer_meta_dict.
reverse(data) Perform the reverse transform on the input data (dataframe) using Transformer.transformer_meta_dict learned during the forward transform

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